Is it always worth being a perfectionist?

Do you sometimes wonder why, despite the effort you put into something, the result isn’t always great? On the other hand, there are people who slack off and yet, their goal is achieved. How is it possible? One of the interesting explanations for that can be found in the article published on (
Pareto Principle is simple
The 80/20 rule states that 80% of results is achieved by 20% of effort
Examples of its application can be multiplied and found in any area of life – both in private and professional.
The simplest example is cleaning up an apartment.
Imagine that your house is in a total mess and your unexpected guests are coming in 30 minutes. Of course, you can thoroughly tidy up your apartment, but let’s face it, it won’t replace getting ready for guests a few days in advance.
According to Pareto Principle, cleaning up 20% of the apartment should make it look 80% clean. Do you need an example? Here it is: clean the floor, wipe off the dust, rearrange things in the cabinets, in 30 minutes you can make your apartment look good. However, there is no way you can get ready for your guests, i.e. iron the shirt or do make-up.
Therefore, Pareto Principle is here to help you out as its assumptions are simple: if achieving 80% of the total result requires 20% of all the work needed, what would happen if we applied the Pareto Principle to the 80%?
80% of the result – 20% of work
80% from 80% = 64% of the result
20% from 20% = 4% of work
It means that 4% of the work is enough to achieve 64% of desired results!
Obviously one could go even further and modify Pareto Principle into a cube: put only 0.8% of work to get 51.2% of the result. However, it’s difficult to calculate such numbers – especially while cleaning up an apartment.
Let’s get back to traditional Pareto Principle and our example: instead of carrying out all the tasks we mentioned earlier – wouldn’t it be easier to collect the clothes and toys lying around the apartment, take out the rubbish and throw the dirty dishes into the sink? Voila! You’ve just put 4% of work and the apartment is almost ready. Well, the guests didn’t give you any heads-up about their arrival so they can’t expect the apartment to be perfectly clean.
The above mentioned matters apply to business as well. You can prepare a perfect sales pitch of your training, hire a make-up artist and a photographer, rent a studio, translate the agenda into several languages and publish it as soon as it is ready (i.e. about six months later)
Start using the simpliest tool, like or, and… just start selling.
Just like that!
You don’t have to take my word for it as Microsoft published a study, which showed that 80% of all errors (in Windows and the entire MS Office) come from exactly 20% of software bugs.
It’s your choice whether you choose the full Pareto Principle or not. I’ve got only 1 advice for you: don’t wait until everything is 100% ready, just start doing your thing.